Here’s a more complicated game: **”Hangman”**.
In this classic word-guessing game, the player has to guess the letters of a hidden word before they run out of attempts.
### Game: **Hangman**
import random
def display_hangman(tries):
stages = [ # Final state: head, torso, both arms, both legs
— — — —
| |
| O
| \\|/
| |
| / \\
# Head, torso, both arms, one leg
— — — —
| |
| O
| \\|/
| |
| /
# Head, torso, both arms
— — — —
| |
| O
| \\|/
| |
# Head, torso, one arm
— — — —
| |
| O
| \\|
| |
# Head and torso
— — — —
| |
| O
| |
| |
# Head
— — — —
| |
| O
# Initial state
— — — —
| |
return stages[tries]
def choose_word():
words = [“python”, “developer”, “hangman”, “computer”, “programming”]
return random.choice(words).lower()
def hangman():
word = choose_word()
word_letters = set(word) # Letters in the word
guessed_letters = set() # Letters guessed by the player
tries = 6
print(“Welcome to Hangman!”)
while tries > 0 and word_letters:
# Show current progress and guessed letters
word_display = [letter if letter in guessed_letters else ‘_’ for letter in word]
print(“Word: “, “ “.join(word_display))
print(f”Guessed letters: {‘, ‘.join(guessed_letters)}”)
# Get player’s guess
guess = input(“Guess a letter: “).lower()
if guess in guessed_letters:
print(“You already guessed that letter.”)
elif guess in word_letters:
print(f”Good job! {guess} is in the word.”)
tries -= 1
print(f”Sorry, {guess} is not in the word. You have {tries} tries left.”)
if word_letters:
print(f”Game over! The word was ‘{word}’.”)
print(f”Congratulations! You guessed the word ‘{word}’.”)
# Start the game
### How the Game Works:
1. **Word Selection**: A random word is chosen from a list.
2. **Game Loop**:
— The player guesses letters one by one.
— If they guess a correct letter, it is revealed in the word.
— If they guess incorrectly, they lose a try, and the hangman drawing advances.
— The game shows the current state of the guessed word and any incorrect guesses.
3. **Winning and Losing**:
— The player wins if they guess all the letters before running out of tries.
— The player loses if they run out of tries before guessing the word.
### Example Output:
Welcome to Hangman!
Word: _ _ _ _ _ _
Guessed letters:
— — — —
| |
Guess a letter: p
Good job! p is in the word.
Word: p _ _ _ _ _
Guessed letters: p
— — — —
| |
Guess a letter: e
Good job! e is in the word.
Word: p _ _ _ e _
Guessed letters: p, e
— — — —
| |
Guess a letter: z
Sorry, z is not in the word. You have 5 tries left.
### Features:
- The game uses a visual representation of the hangman, with increasing detail as wrong guesses are made.
- Players can see their progress on the word and the letters they’ve guessed.
- The game ends when the player either guesses the word or runs out of attempts.
This is a fun game that also helps practice conditional statements, loops, and string manipulations in Python!